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Transforming American Rule

from Phil Gram in The Wall Street Journal,How Obama Transformed America [1]


American democracy has historically relied on three basic constraints: a shared commitment to the primacy of the constitutional process over any political agenda, the general necessity to achieve bipartisan support to make significant policy changes, and the natural desire of leaders to be popular by delivering peace and prosperity. Mr. Obama has transformed America by refusing to accept these constraints. The lock-step support of the Democrats’ supermajority in the 111th Congress freed him from having to compromise as other presidents, including Reagan and Mr. Clinton, have had to do.

While the Obama program has transformed America, no one is singing “Happy Days Are Here Again” or claiming it’s “morning in America.” Despite a doubling of the national debt and the most massive monetary expansion since the Civil War, America’s powerhouse economy has withered along with the rule of law.


Since the days of Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, American Progressivism has been in conflict with the constitutional restraint of government, but few have been as callous in its disregard for the fundamental principles of constitutional rule as Obama.
