From Daniel Greenfield in the Sultan Knish, The Dreaded Drone, 3/11/13


We aren’t dealing with fascism, we’re dealing with bureaucratic collectivism. Rather than a militarized society, what we have is a socialized society. The people who run it don’t care much for the military. They prefer nudges and regulations. They wipe out entire industries with the stroke of a pen leaving few other options.

The enemy isn’t a United States Air Force Staff Sergeant downing a Mountain Dew and then looking for a Toyota pickup truck filled with armed men and a goat in Waziristan. It’s the people behind the government counter that you have to deal with on a daily basis and your neighbor who has all their numbers and loves informing on people who aren’t behaving themselves the way that the TV says they should.

The enemy is in the non-profit think-tanks that come up with the latest ‘nudge’ to socialize people and the latest billionaire who gets bored and wants to treat an entire city like his employees. It’s the news anchors whose big ambition is to read things in a serious voice from the teleprompter and all the people who automatically repeat back what they hear on the news.

The enemy is every bright-eyed boy and girl who leave college determined to make the world a better place by eliminating all the things and people they have been told are bad. The enemy is the entire system of education and entertainment that shaped them into human drones on a mission of progress.


How many of us are truly worried about being struck down in a Starbucks by a domestic drone?  Rand Paul’s drone rant may have made for interesting political theater and he may have made a very legitimate legal point.

But I wonder if drones are not some creepy new technology that  is easy to rant about while the larger problem, a steady drain of our freedom from well intentioned moral supremacists, is always justified, often from both sides of the aisle, by bypartisanship and compromise and the seemingly small impact  each step will make.  Yet the eventual outcome is a nation of human drones.

“Every snowflake pleads innocent but it is still an avalanche.”
