Monthly Archives: January 2012

Archive of posts published in the specified Month

Rendering Scarcity Obsolete

History is filled with apocalyptic predictions from respected intellectuals.  Thomas Malthus predicted inevitable starvation as the geometric growth in fertility passed the linear growth in food supply.  But the future is hard to predict and few saw the dramatic growth in

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Stalemate means Ruin

The breakthroughs necessary to discipline government, restore national solvency, and reinstate freedom among Americans will require the realism to move now, as far and as fast as possible.  If the measures achieved are less than optimal, we can always come

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Ends and Means

Some of the most dangerous thinking in public policy happens when the ends are used to justify the means.  Our constitution was designed to move slowly; separation of powers was meant to constrain ‘easy’ changes.  Many social activists lament this.

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Laws, Rules, and Discretion

John Cochrane writes in his blog The Grumpy Economist, Three Kinds of Regulations, 1/2/2012: Excerpts: For regulation is not “more” or “less,” something you just pour into a cup until you’ve had enough like a good beer. Regulation is most

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Leveraging Ignorance

The Greatest Trade Ever by Gregory Zuckerman is the story of John Paulson and a handful of other traders who took positions against the mortgage market and made fortunes in a very short period of time.  Their primary method was

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