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Underestimating Their Enemy

From American Thinker

September 11, 2008
Palin and the Left’s Comprehension Gap [1]
By Dave Smithee


For reasons above my pay grade since it seems to be doing them no favors, the democrats and media cling to and propagate theses curiously garish caricatures about conservatives that would be more at home in the works of Bosch than in any recognizable reality. And not just in private; but as par for the course in the national discussion. For example, Sarah Palin doesn’t merely have ‘flawed policies’. In the space of two weeks, we’ve discovered she’s apparently a power-drunk loon, an anti-Semite, a hypocrite, an unfit mother, a religious fanatic, a redneck escapee from the set of Deliverance, a Nazi sympathizer, and an 18th-century secessionist. All she’s missing is a mustache to twirl.

The reality that forever eludes our left-wing intelligentsia is simple. The bulk of conservatives are not sleeping on dirt floors. We are simply those who have thought beyond step one, and realized that the state is not, and cannot be, the answer. We realize that all of history up to our current disastrous experiments with statism, economic ‘management’, and the disastrous social welfare theories of whites that have been perpetrated on minorities, have proven that conservatism offers the optimal arrangement of social conditions under which individuals, families, communities, and nations thrive. Are there sexists and bigots among the conservative community? As surely as there are those on the left who believe mankind deserves wholesale slaughter for angering Gaia (Greek goddess of Earth), or lunatic professors willing to call slaughtered American civilians ‘Little Eichmans’.

Unlikely, and the ignorance seems all the more entrenched for being entirely self-imposed. Their campaign against Palin will likely consist of the same failed attack strategies that have systematically lowered news coverage on her to the journalistic tenor of Sasquatch sightings. As Sun Tzu might guess, they have every reason to fear the outcome of this particular battle.
