While experience is being tossed about in this campaign like a midget at a drunken frat party (apologies to Dennis Miller), we should at least be able to judge a candidate by the people ‘selected’ as advisors. We now get to add Wesley Clark to a horde of Obama advisors.

From American Thinker

July 01, 2008
Clark Finds a Home Among Obama Advisors (updated)
Ed Lasky


But this is far from the first time Clark has insulted people in a very crude way. Last year, for example, he engaged in conspiracy mongering by alluding to “New York money people” pushing America into a war against Iran . In case anyone missed the import of his meaning , he clarified his remarks by absolving a part of the Jewish community. He said that the Jewish community was divided on Iran but then said there is so “much pressure being channeled from New York money people to the office seekers” that politicians may feel compelled to support war against Iran.

He will fit right in with the likes of probable future foreign policy guru Samantha Power who inferred that criticism of Barack Obama comes down to “what is good for the Jews” and who warned about “domestic interest groups with vast financial power influencing foreign policy). Also, Meriill “Tony” McPeak, the vice chair of Senator Obama’s campaign and his chief military adviser who blamed problems in the Middle East on the influence of people who live in New York City and Miami whom no “politician wants to run against” and who exercise undue influence on foreign affairs in America. Then there’s George Soros-an early fundraiser who can tap an empire of 527 groups to help Barack Obama and who has negative views of American lobbying groups that support the American-Israel relationship. And Zbigniew Brzezinski (a supporter of the Stephen Walt/ John Mearsheimer view of American Jews exercising undue influence in America – a view called “anti-Semitic” in the Washington Post and a host of others close to Barack Obama who have expressed anti-Israel opinions (Pastor Jeremiah Wright, among them).

Also lest we forget, Wes Clark, like so many closely associated with Barack Obama, has been a beneficiary of money from George Soros. Right after receiving large chunk of change from Soros, Wes Clark again let loose a broadside against American support for Israel in its battle with Hezbollah, calling it “a serious mistake”.

He will find a comfortable home among Barack Obama’s team of advisers.
