- Rebel Yid - https://www.rebelyid.com -

Three Common Waitress Flaws

I appreciate a good waiter or waitress, but here are my most common peaves:

Gets too familiar. Too friendly to the point of intruding on the relationship with your fellow diner. I appreciate the service, but if there is going to be a relationship here, be sure the customer starts it.

Too many interruptions. I do not need to be checked on every 3 minutes. If I am eating and there is food in my mouth and my glass is full, leave me alone. Ask me if I have everything I need and maybe check back once during the meal and if my glass is more than half empty. If I am engaged in a conversation or even worse just shy of the punch line in a joke, do not interupt me and just ask if everything is all right. Everything was allright, but now you just ruined my punchline and story, dammit!

Where is my check?. It’s lunch and I need to get back to the office. I am long finished eating and my waitress has dissappeared like beer at a barbeque. It seems that the waittress that interrupts the most is the hardest to find when you are ready to pay and leave.

A good waiter or waitress is friendly, helpful, and non intrusive.

tips to Kimberly for the suggestion
